kamau bobb

kamau bobb, phd

access to STEM education
access to power



Access to STEM education is access to power.
Power is the ability to write the national narrative. It is the distinction between the author and the subject. Being an author of the American story is a far more important proposition that merely gaining access to a career in the technology sector. Captains of the technical sector are reshaping the very mechanisms by which American and global cultures exist. The ability to reinvent basic human transactions – with each other and with an evolving array of intelligent systems – is power. Access to power is critical in the 21st century.

Students of color exist in an era where the very value of their lives is an open public debate. Under these circumstances, the motivation for STEM education cannot be only about employment in the technology sector. The motivation for STEM education is about their gaining access to power. It is about their ability to reshape the national narrative on their own terms.


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